Do you know all devices connected to your IT network ? Do you know which software or hardware component is installed on a computer ? Are you able to deploy softwares or configuration scripts on your computers ? No, then Try OCS Inventory NG at
GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)Follow OCS Inventory NG
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First it doesn't function, no matter if I tell the installer to use one of the two existing XAMPP installations or to use the built in one, then I am insulted by the programmer: "Thank you for not using ocs. We are not used to work with undercompetent users. Regards.... Or not" - Answer sent by Yannick Seiller Sorry, when insulting users, there is the end for me. You should know someone before estimating his or her competence. I think after this experience I will program my own inventory software.
great, thanks
Best available!
I have used it since years.
Fast, easy-to-use, powerful... simply gets things done.